Preparing for Debris Flow or Mudslides
An important message from the Cahuilla Band of Indians Fire Department
An important message from the Cahuilla Band of Indians Fire Department
The Cahuilla Band of Indians Fire Department would like to inform you about the recent Canyon Fire that burned 2662 acres, significantly impacting the surrounding cities. Unfortunately, some of these burned areas have highly erosive soils on very steep slopes. The fire consumed much of the vegetation and soil cover, which has subsequently increased the risk of erosion, flash flooding, and debris flows within and downslope of the fire area.
Rainfall can trigger these events, so it is crucial to understand the risks and be mindful of predicted weather as these hazards will be a concern for multiple years. In the event of predicted rainfall, it is important to stay alert, monitor information sources, and comply with any evacuation orders to leave the area.
As a precautionary measure, the Cahuilla Band of Indians Fire Department recommends following these three quick steps to ensure you are aware of the risks and what response actions will be taken when rainfall is predicted.