Elected Officials

Tribal Council

As a federally recognized Indian Tribe established by executive order in 1875 by the United States Government, the Cahuilla Band of Indians exercises the inherent sovereign right to self-government.

The Cahuilla Tribal Government is organized democratically and operates in accordance with the customs and traditions of the Cahuilla people. The Cahuilla Tribal Government is compromised of the General Council, Tribal Council, and various Boards, Commissions, Corporations, and Committees. The Tribal Government’s primary decision-making authority is the General Council which is comprised of recognized tribal members 21-years of age and older. 

Please Contact Us
for More Information

Erica Schenk

Erica Schenk


Tribal Council

Phone | 951-763-5549
Address | 52701 CA Hwy 371 Anza, CA 92539
Email | TribalCouncil@cahuilla-nsn.gov


The five-member elected Tribal Council serve four-year staggered terms that embrace the legal authority and responsibility to protect and promote the welfare of Tribal Members and exercise jurisdiction of reservation lands. Cahuilla’s various Boards, Commissions, Corporations, and Committees’ role is to carry out specific governmental, economic, and community functions of the Tribe. The Tribal Government works collaboratively to promote the sovereignty and well-being of the Cahuilla Band of Indians.

Leadership in Action